Rev. Peter Fairbrother | Ministries in Self-care
Heart Circle * There are no forthcoming circles planned. The information below is from circles held during 2021/2 and I'e fleft this here to illustrate how the circles were held. My love and thanks to all participants. * Gathering on Zoom, we'll create sacred space to share how we are. We'll honour the breadth and depth of what we've with as we explore connection with our self and each other. Our Heart Circle - our place and space to simply be. Forthcoming dates: The Circle meets on the first and third Thursday of each month, 7pm UK time. The duration of each meeting is approximately one hour (sometimes a little more). There's no registration process to attend, simply log-on to Zoom to join the gathering. What happens during a Heart Circle? Beginning promptly at 7pm GMT, each circle opens with a warm welcome and time and space for introductions. A candle is lit and some opening words are offered (you're welcome to light your own candle at home). This is followed by some prepared sharings, offered by those who feel drawn to contribute in this way. Such sharings may take any of a multitude of forms, such as: a short reading; the presentation/ contemplation of a piece of visual art; the playing of a piece of music (in the moment or a prerecorded piece, short form); a short meditation; a period of silence; or some other of spiritual practice (again, in short form). As part of this, I may offer some prepared words. During our time together we take time to share how we're feeling. We will be mindful of sharing that which feels appropriate, and we will give care to offer everyone present the opportunity to contribute without interruption or interjection. Throughout, no one is required to share if they don't wish to - being present within the circle is a sharing in itself. Also, we'll agree that what is shared in the Circle stays in the Circle, unless for an exceptional reason which is made clear and explicit. We'll close in gratitude with some words for the road. Is there is a fee to attend? There is no fee to attend a Heart Circle, however donations are welcome via PayPal: For further information or if you have any queries regarding the Heart Circle please get in touch by email or via Facebook. Thank you. |